What have we made it?
- Joseph was from: Bethlehem; Nazareth; Jerusalem; Egypt
- How did mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem? Camel; Donkey; Truck; Don't Know
- A manger is a: barn; stable; feed trough; disease dogs catch
- Who saw the the 'star in the East'? Shephers; Three Kings; Brad Pitt; none of these
- What did the angels sing? "Glory to God in the Highest..."; "for unto us a child is born..."; "Glory to the newborn King..."; none of these
- How many wise men came to see Jesus in the manger? 3; 2; 1; 0
- Who told Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem? the angel; God; Caesar Augustus; King Herod
- Why did Joseph take Jesus to Eqypt? To show him the pyramids; to be taxed; because he dreamed about it; he never took Jesus there.
- What is frankincense? an oriental monster; a precious perfume; a precious fabric; a precious metal
- What is myrrh? a spice used in burials; a soft metal; an aftershave lotion; a drink
Of course these answers can all be found in the Bible! Its amazing how we've completely made Christmas into what we want it to be, and its sort of been a 'Chinese whipers' except it shouldn't have because its all right there in the Bible!
In Newcastle, there is a shop called Fenwicks. And every year at Christmas they put a huge display in the windows, and especialy when you're little its a big deal to go and see Fenwicks window. This display is pretty much lifesize 'dolls' that move and you hear the story over loudspeakers, and Christmas music. Most years its Santa, or aliens playing footbal (?) or something like that. But this year they've put the nativity, and its beautiful. Not Biblically correct, as like I think the quiz up there proves, we don't learn what is Biblically correct. But it still shows the birth of Jesus and its amazing for that reason. So this year lots of people (and everyone who goes into Newcastle pretty much has seen this window) have been reminded of what Christmas is really about! God is fab isn't he!
The bible never mentions how many magi came to visit Jesus. We only think it's three because they all carried three kinds of gifts.
So the correct answer is really "2 or more."
6:41 pm
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