So I know I only posted yesterday and that was a really long one. So I'll make this shorter. I'm just stressing a bit! The kids next door are SO noisy, and are outside screaming their heads off while I'm inside trying to do A2 biology coursework that is due in tomorrow. And the sun is blinding me, because the blinds over the window wont go where I want them to and the very bright sun is peeking through them just enough to distract me!
Why do some parents let their kids be quite so noisy and horrible? I saw a really heart-warming thing today. I was sat on the metro and on the seats in front of me was a mum with her 2 little girls. A lot of parents I see would be bitchy and telling their kids off for not-a-lot, so kids scream and grow up to be horrible disturbed people. A bit stereotypical of me, I know, but we'll move on from that. This mum was sat playing 'I spy with my little eye' with her kids, and they seemed such sweet kids. It was such a nice change to see a parent being nice to her children!
I went job hunting today. Oh what fun. I traipsed around North Shields (about 4 miles from home where I'm moving to soon) and around Whitley Bay (1 mile from home) going around the shops, many saying that they didn't have any vacancies, and some taking a CV or giving me an application form or phone number. Hopefully it'll work out and I'll be working soon. Because I have a lot to raise money for, namely my gap year (which I'm not sure what its gonna be but I know I'll need a lot of money for it!) But I also want to be able to go down south to see some friends after my exams, and I'll need money for that. The problem is, I want to do far too much this summer for the amount of time I'll get off. But thats something to work out in the future! For now I just need a job and to pass my exams. Which wont get done if I keep writing here. So back to biology for me.
Please pray for me - I need as much of it as possible to be able to get the results I need (BBC) for my 1st choice uni - Lancaster to study music. And I have no inspiration. That always seems to be the problem though. Although I think I have even less time round because I did so much revision for my last exam and got a 34/90 for it - not a pass. So I'm resitting it, alongside doing all my other exams. Stress!!!!
lol awww Suzanne, Hehehe I know how you feel!!! Although right now I would give anything to be at "home" with my family if that meant dealing with noisy brats next doors and sunshine...Haha speaking of sunshine, we had a tornado warning the other day and hadta evacuate to the basement...smelly, dusty and sweaty...-_- and today was an extremely cold day!!! I was even cold in my bed!!! And it's frickin April~ Haha so yeah I know how you feel, and am so sorry. Hope things improve and college stuff work out!!!
12:52 am
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