Tuesday, April 26, 2005

They wanted me!

I kind of got hired today! Meaning that I'm on trial for 2 weeks and then if they want me and I want them, I'll properly have a job. It's just at a rubbish little newsagent in Monkseaton, where I live (typical that I'm moving to a house 3 miles away from it just as I get a job which is 10 minutes walk from my current house), but they are the only people so far who have offered me anything, so I'm going with it! Unfortunatly, seen as I'm not 18 yet, I don't qualify for minimum wage. But I'll still make a fair bit, and it'll go towards my gap year. Which is a great thing!Hopefully I'll still be able to do all my summer plans...the wedding in Wales, Prague, London, camping with my family, I'd love to do Soul Survivor or something but thats very doubtful coz I'm already doing too much! But for now I don't care about that. I'll worry about that when I know for definite if I have to job! So for now I just have to worry about not making huge mistakes like losing the bloke laods of money on the cash point or lottery machine!

I thought I'd try a new font know, live a little, be a little adventurous and crazy! Or something like that. What d'ya think?

Speaking of my gap year (well it was vauely mentioned before) I'm meeting Richard, who is the Dad of the orphanage I'm looking at in Colombia, tonight I think. Which is fab! So we'll see how it goes. This place, Childrens Vision International in Bogota seems so right and really like God has shown me this place and He wants me to go there for my 6 months. So I'm praying that tonight will go well. If not, I'll end up working in Tesco or somewhere for the whole year which is not quite the 'service' I want to give back to God!

I'll let you know how it all goes when I know! Until home, (one or two of you might know what I mean by that!) God Bless x x x


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