Friday, June 30, 2006

A few numbers

I have 10 minutes before I need to get ready for work. I've had a very expensive morning, going shopping with Sarah and coming away with some necessary things and some not-quite-as-necessary things that I've wanted for a long time. But, thats ok! Now I'll go and work and earn back all the money I've just spent. At least I get paid tonight.

I'm home alone this weekend and last night started 2 films, didn't fancy watching either and as the minutes ticked by my thoughts got deeper and deeper until I was going out of my mind, so I found something else to keep me occupied. I started thinking about my life. In numbers. How many times I've done certain things. And this is the list I came up with:

15 countries I've been in.
6 continents I've been to.
68 times I've flown in an aeroplane.
14 houses I've lived in.
At least 70 beds I've slept in.
4 languages I've had lessons in.
2 languages I can still speak.
2 boyfriends I've had.
4 lads I've kissed.
2 times I've not remembered the night before and wondered how and when I got to bed.
2 medals I have for dancing exams.
1 tattoo I have.
More tattoos I want.
1 person I've punched out of anger.
I concussion I've had (unrelated incidents!)
19 birthdays I've celebrated.
82 periods I've had.
16 scars and 16 memories.
2 times I've applied to uni.
4 times I've had crutches.
1 pigeon that has flown into my face.
2 cash-in-hand jobs I've had.
0 payslips.

That's as far as I got last night. I'm sure there is a lot more if I thought hard enough! By that time I was too tired and read for a bit, then thankfully slept right through till my alarm woke me up at 9:30 this morning.

Off to work now. Fun. Friday nights are the busiest so therefore makes me the most tired. Only 2 weeks left, and 3 weeks till I go back to Colombia. THAT is fun!!


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