Saturday, April 30, 2005

Well last time I changed the colour. So I thought I'd keep the theme of 'change' and go with a new font. My oh my things are getting pretty crazy! I just got in from work. It's good to be able to say that! I can't be accused of being lazy anymore. I spent all morning working the Lottery machine. I feel slightly guilty for encouraging people to gamble and smoke. For instance, if we hadn't been working this morning, no one would have been able to waste money on that machine that I could now work with my eyes closed. One guy came in and spent £30 on the lottery - every week I think! What a waste! He could spend that on much better things, like alcoh...oops I mean...never mind, it's just not worth it. But aside from having slightly painful legs from standing for 4 hours straight, its not bad. And I'm earning money. My dad asked me if I'd sneaked a couple chocolate bars into my bag while no one was looking. Thankfully I understand my dads sense of humour so I knew he was kidding, so I just said 'no.' He said 'oh Suzanne, you should be getting the perks of having a job.' To which I replied 'I am, I'm getting payed.' Thats perky enough for me!

Well, 2 weeks till Dan comes home. Thats my brother, hes in South Africa working at an AIDS orphange/childrens home and has been there 7 months. I saw him about 2 months ago but nonoe of my family or friends has. Just me. I feel quite privilidged. I would feel slightly more privilidged if someone had paid my way there. But thanks to my fab brother, I didn't pay hardly anything while I was there coz he's just so kind! (I hope Dan that you'll buy me a drink when you get back since I'm being so nice now. A pint of guiness will do nicely! Thanks, you're mint :-) ) Anyway enough about him. You know what I did just before? Slightly stupid, but my excuse is its been a really long week. When I was writing AIDS orphanage/childrens home, I actually wrote AIDS orphange/slash childrens home. Ok, so its more stupid than 'slightly stupid.' But it has been a LONG week. I've been getting my music coursework finished this week and so on Thursday I spent about 8 hours doing my coursework, 6 of those at school and 2 at home. I left school finally at about 6pm. And on Friday I spent 5 hours in the music department finishing it off. as well as having other lessons and doing a choir concert in the evening. And thankfully now it's finished! Well I just have to record them. But that won't take too long.

Don't you hate it when you're typing and you accidently hit the 'insert' key on your keyboard so it starts deleting what you've written if you try to add anything into where you've already typed? I did it just now, and I did it yesterday while doing my coursework, which was slightly frustrating! So anyway, I've just got 2 months left of this whole school thing and then I'll be done. My goodness how beautiful will that be! Must be off now, to give away my Dubai-ish money (to get English money in return hopefully!) and to clean Church. What fun Saturdays have turned into...


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