Wednesday, September 14, 2005

That wasp after that night out

You know that feeling of going on a night out, maybe having a bit too much to drink, sit and watch your mate who is celebrating his 21st birthday vomit into a pint glass, then be the only one brave enough (of drunk enough) to dispose of said vomit, then get the bus home, then collapse on your bed and listen to some damn good music for what is probably over an hour (Stereophonics - Language Violance Sex Other?) then eventually fall asleep, then a mere 5 hours later get woken up by that wasp that has flown through the very small gap that is your open window? Well that was what happened this morning. But it gets worse! Instead of exiting via that same small gap, it finds a different small gap. The one that leads into my bedroom through the curtains!!! I was not gonna let this little thing ruin my only chances of being vaguely human when I would have to later make contact with the world again. So, when the wasp very kindly lands on my curtains, I reach over and grab the quite funky retro mug thing and the box of that damn good music I was listehing to earlier and trap the wasp in between them. Then I had to slide the cd box, wasp and mug down the curtain. Its probably an easier thing to do when you're not hung over. But I won, the wasp lost, all is good, I managed to get a few hours more sleep...well it was more like laying and listening to the radio and about 4 hours while dosing, but life is beautiful again!

1 month today till I leave!

Check out this video clip on this website - it is absolutely hilarious.


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