Saturday, January 22, 2005

Why don't we bother with the others?

On the TV as I write this is a live gig, the Tsunami Relief Concert. England has raised a hell of a lot of money towards the tsunami appeal, and good on them. I dont know what the rest of the world has done to help, but I know England has done a fair bit to help. But everyone is going on about how awful this disaster is, and yeh, I'll agree with them. But what is more disastrous about the amount of people who died in this event than are dying daily from AIDS, starvation, and all the other stuff going on in this world. Why don't we put so much effort into saving them? There's always places to put money to help those in need, so why doesn't the money get put in there? Why don't we care about those who are dying daily? On my wrist I'm wearing an orange ribbon, which I bought for £1 towards the tsunami appeal. Why dont we sell other coloured ribbons for all the the other crap in this world? Did you know that if every person in the Western world donated the price of a cup of tea, world poverty would be ended? Augh! "I've been to all those places, and lets try and get them back on track." Said just now by a favourite bloke of mine, Kelly Jones of the Stereophonics. Why don't we want to get Africa on track? They never were on track to get them back on track! Having said all this, I don't disagree at all with helping the tsunami appeal. Why would I? People need the help, people are giving the help, good on them. I've done my very small bit towards helping. I just dont get it, thats all, why one disaster is more 'important' to us than another. I have a lot of respect for my friends, Daniel, Alan, Sarah and Matt who have done/are doing gap years abroad helping people coz God told them to. And a lot of you have parents who have followed God to help others. And I know a lot of people who don't know God but want to help others. A lot of respect there, although it would be better if they did know God! Anyway, I've probably gone off on a bit of a tangent, probably contradicted myself a bit here and there, but thats ok! I obviously meant it all coz I wouldn't have written it if I didn't. So anyway, God Bless to each of you, whatever you're doing. Always listen to God, He knows best so listen to what He tells you.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

God and Stars and Friends...all great things!

Can anyone see, while looking at the stars (at night time obviously) the plough? It is the only constellation that I can recognise. Where ever you are in the world, you can see the plough, even if it is upside down (southern hemisphere). Someone once told me that when i see the plough, I should look at it as a promise from God that he is always with me, where ever I am. I really like that. And if your friends on the other side of the world can see the same promise, then you're really not that far away!

I was thinking about that because now 3 of my very close friends are doing their gap year abroad doing missions work. Daniel and Sarah left in October, and Alan left yesterday. And Matt also left yesterday to go back to college. I was very worried about this year, because several of my friends were leaving, and I didn't know how I would cope with that. But, God being God, has provided some new friendships, so that I'm not 'alone'! And I've still got pretty good contact with my other friends who took off to follow God. Strange, isn't it, how we worry about things but God has everything in his plan and will provide for our every need.