I booked my gap year flights yesterday. I am now £999.40 in debt to my parents. Hmmm. However, this £999.40 gets me from Newcastle to London, London to New York City for a week, NYC to Miami, Miami to Bogota, 6 months later Bogota to Miami to London to Newcastle. And I've paid the taxes. And I've got insurance which covers me for everything including hostage. Which might be useful in Colombia, because obviously I'm gonna get kidnapped or something (so people keep telling me!) So I'm gonna have a great week with a lovely friend of mine, which will be lovely, and I might get to stay for the weekend in NYC before going to Philadelphia to stay with my lovely friend. Qujite exciting really!
I'm technically skipping English right now. It is the last lesson though, and it was a 'drop in' lesson where we could go if we wanted. I didn't want. So I went to the library, sat for half an hour revising homeostasis for biology, and now am in the common room here. Listening to lots of people talk, listen to music and theres a group of lads next to me playing a facinating and rather fun game called '10 point ball'. They actually use rolled up balls of paper, and throw them across the room towards a rather suspect hole in the corner of a desk. Whoever gets their ball nearest the hole gets the point. Its a good game. A lot of fun.
This keyboard isn't the best ever. It's quite frustrating.
Today, as I leave school tomorrow, is the last CU of this year. So we're gonna have a party. I've bought a cake (Sainsbury's special) and play some games. Should be fun! I can't believe I leave school tomorrow. I'll be finished! I do have 6 exams after that though, but my days of going to lessons will be over. Shame! Quite sad actually. We're having an assembly tomorrow morning, our leavers assembly. The posters for it say 'Year 13 - You've All Been Framed'. Is that supposed to be an incentive to go? I think they're gonna show our rather embarrassing year 9 pictures with some sort of caption under it. Funny I guess!
Our new car arrives today.
Anyway, as much fun as this has been, I'm going now.